What To Highlight In Front End Web Developer Projects?

Front end developer projects are in demand now that the pandemic has highlighted the importance of work-from-home and ordering of essentials online.

The coronavirus pandemic that the world is still currently experiencing has highlighted so many things. One, we learned how precious life is—in one blink, we could lose somebody we love. Two, we realized that work could be dispensable. Three, there is that important awareness that healthcare workers are heroes. There are a lot of things we can tell about this situation. But of all the things, there’s an important recognition you should not take for granted: online business is important, too.

Did you get the bottom line?

Imagine being locked down and having a hard time buying groceries. Forget that there’s a long line in the groceries (during the peak of the pandemic). It’s actually quite scary to go out because you don’t know who is infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. In relation to business context, business people should boost their Internet presence. Why? Because a lot of buyers are just at home. They are using laptops or mobile phones to buy things they need.

Let’s elaborate this thing further, deeper. You need someone who is expert in front-end website design and development. Why? Because there are good reasons why you need this website expert. It can be beneficial for your business in terms of generating leads and sales.

What does this have to do with front-end developer projects?

Front-end website development is the technical process of making websites intuitive. A website is basically made out of content, which represents the written word, and images. Basically, anybody with technical knowledge about websites can create a website. It’s a matter of knowing the basic languages of HTML and CSS.

Whatever may be the case, it’s important that you bring more than just content and images to your front end developer projects. Actually, front-end development is way more than just content and images. These may make a website, but a website doesn’t necessarily lead to conversion.
But would having content and images be enough? No! Content should be engaging. Images should be beautiful. All in all, the website should be attractive and informative. However, you don’t make a website simply to attract the audience. You actually want the audience to buy your product or service. Or if you are not selling anything, then you must want the users to join your organization.

A website has to be highly functional in order to drive conversion. It is not enough that web users would be attracted to your website. They should want to stay on your website and get to know more about what you can offer. That is the only way it can lead to conversion.

Let’s talk about conversion

We’ve already mentioned how online shopping became very important during the pandemic. While there are still a lot of people fighting for the opening of the economy, there are also those who don’t want to go out for fear of getting the virus. Of course, you don’t see them in the news because those who make the most noise will garner more attention.

These people would prefer to buy online for supplies. The most common online necessity is food. For example, you have an Indian restaurant. A lot of people enjoy Indian food, right? So the person will go on Google and find an Indian place that delivers. While browsing, they notice that your company has some amazing photos of Indian food. They click on the website and see how attractive your website is. The colors are splashed throughout the pages and the images used are so good they could almost smell the Indian spices.

But when they were navigating the page, they realized that it’s so slow. In just a matter of seconds, they could already decide that they don’t want to order in your restaurant. No matter how enticing the images are, they know that you are not the only Indian place in the area. Some would even order from a faraway place because it’s fast. They would feel that it would be much faster to order from a place that’s far just because the response is so much faster. Plus, slow response can be so irritating, don’t you think?

Front-end developer projects are very important in online stores—whether you are selling essentials or food. What you have to recognize is that you are not the only company around. It’s a very competitive world. This means that the front end should be fantastic enough for people not to think about another online store.

Starting a professional, converting website

Large companies have highly functional websites. But this is not about them. This is about the community businesses who didn’t think of having a website or online order system before because they know that they will always have customers from the people in the community.
People just can’t be bothered to call anymore. They prefer not talking at all. This is why the online system works. People just put in their orders online. In some cases, customers can also see the progress of their orders. They would know if the order is already out of the kitchen and on their way to work.

The coronavirus caused governments from across the world to order a lockdown in the community, especially in areas hardest hit by the virus. Small businesses greatly suffered. Let’s use the Indian restaurant as an example. People were forced to stay at home and shops were ordered closed to contain the virus. The Indian restaurant will be forced to close for good.

That’s the thing with small shops. They are small so their earnings are also small. They could not recover if they closed for months. Large restaurants can afford to give their employees’ salaries for a few months or so. They have extra funds in their coffers. The small ones don’t have reserves—at least not enough to keep employees paid for even a month.

Small businesses will be forced to close and their employees will be left without jobs. However, the business could stay afloat if they have a delivery service. The delivery service works better if there is an online order system.

Things business people have to learn more

You still don’t have a website? No worries. You can hire a remote front end developer. Since most people are doing work from home nowadays, you can still hire a developer that can work on your website remotely.

You can Google front-end developers in your area. But before you commit to someone, you have to check their front-end developer projects. The good developers will have a digital portfolio to browse. This allows you to find one that could give you what you need. How? Just check the projects they have previously done. Can you find an online restaurant, too? If you like how it looks, then perhaps you found your match.

A front-end developer is very important because they make users enjoy being on your website. When users enjoy your website, they will most like become a customer. And if your website is up to date and always has some activities on it, chances are these customers will become loyal and they will tell other people about it too.  

Read more:

Can You Be a Front End Developer? Know the Right Skills
Web Development Firms: The Role Of Website In Business
Front End Development Company: Explaining The Context Of Tech-Based Web 
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